Dreams And Visions

The bible says in the books of Joel and Acts that in the last days that young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams. Well I think I fall somewhere in the middle because God has allowed me to do both. God has caused me to dream dreams and see visions. I love to share these dreams and visions every opportunity that I get but I want you to understand one thing up-front, this work is not about me and my ministry I am simply trying to be obedient as best I know how to what God has called me to do.
Not long ago God placed in my heart a dream to be a part of group that would "Love one another as Jesus loved us." God asked me to invest my life into a group of believers and ask them in turn to invest their lives in mine. This dream and the challenge I shared with my Sunday- school class over a year ago. Needless to say this kind of involvement in each other’s lives, requires more than thirty minutes on Sunday morning. During the year that followed we set out on a journey to develop a more intimate relationship with one another, an attempt to love one another as Jesus loved us. Some of the people that have shared in that journey have joined my wife Michele and I in the vision contained in these pages. Needless to say this a God sized task. While we realize that we still have a long way to go I think we will all agree that we have come a long way together?
We quickly found that this kind of love was not easily attainable on our own.
Why Me Lord?
First of all I still don’t know why God called me to be involved in this effort but I have no doubt that I have been called. I can say this now but this has not always been the case. I have struggled through many sleepless nights and restless days as God has spoken to my heart. As you read through this material it is very possible that He will speak to you as well. If God quickens your heart as He has others you will probably be thinking the same thing that I did at first "Why me Lord?" Well I have come to the conclusion that only God can answer that question. I also decided that rather than to dwell on the unanswered questions that I would go against my human nature of questioning God and be obedient to His calling.
Tour- Loving as Jesus Loved
Not long ago God placed in my heart a dream to be a part of group that would "Love one another as Jesus loved us." God asked me to invest my life into a group of believers and ask them in turn to invest their lives in mine. This dream and the challenge I shared with my Sunday- school class over a year ago. Needless to say this kind of involvement in each other’s lives, requires more than thirty minutes on Sunday morning. During the year that followed we set out on a journey to develop a more intimate relationship with one another, an attempt to love one another as Jesus loved us. Some of the people that have shared in that journey have joined my wife Michele and I in the vision contained in these pages. Needless to say this a God sized task. While we realize that we still have a long way to go I think we will all agree that we have come a long way together?
We quickly found that this kind of love was not easily attainable on our own.
Why Me Lord?
First of all I still don’t know why God called me to be involved in this effort but I have no doubt that I have been called. I can say this now but this has not always been the case. I have struggled through many sleepless nights and restless days as God has spoken to my heart. As you read through this material it is very possible that He will speak to you as well. If God quickens your heart as He has others you will probably be thinking the same thing that I did at first "Why me Lord?" Well I have come to the conclusion that only God can answer that question. I also decided that rather than to dwell on the unanswered questions that I would go against my human nature of questioning God and be obedient to His calling.
Tour- Loving as Jesus Loved